Hair Restoration

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Hair play vital role in making one’s personality. Hair transplant can significantly improve the appearance and self confidence in patients who are bald. Hair transplant has become the safest and the most popular way to get lost hair back.  Aneels Hair Transplants provides the best services in the country with its latest facilities and brilliant efforts. All the latest hair transplantation methods and techniques like FUE and FUT are being performed at Aneels Hair transplant.

[box_header title=”Eye brows and beard.” bottom_border=”1″ animation=”0″ top_margin=”page_margin_top”]

The hairs in the eyebrow only grow to a fixed length. The eyebrow may decrease in density or length if they are subjected to excessive manipulation

Bringing eyebrow back to normal is both challenging and artistic. We use chosen thick single grafts to make the eyebrows.

Beard and moustaches can be reshaped according to the wish of the patient . Certain men complain of blank spaces in their beards. The areas are carefully filled using double grafts.

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Hair transplant, Hair restoration is a process of transferring hair roots from the permanent zone of scalp to the balding zone.As you have seen in the people with maximum baldness the hair at the back of head do not fall. The reason for them to persist is their inability to react to a hormone known as DHT.The Hair in the front and mid part, are vulnerable to fall due to a gene.The hair from the permanent zone can be removed surgically along with the live roots and planted as we would plant a tree in a small cut in the areas where it is needed.The root will get support from it new surroundings and will grow into a hair.The root from the permanent zone will bring with it self the capacity to survive the attack of the Hormone DHT and thus will not fall.

[box_header title=”The Hair Line” bottom_border=”1″ animation=”0″]

Our hairline is quite extraordinarily natural.Baldness like fingerprint is different for different individuals. Even Men who will not bald, undergo certain changes in their hair line, this change is known as frontotemporal recession

very few individuals end up retaining their juvenile hair line and these people can easily be pointed out as having a little awkward

With age comes the adult facies with enlargement of certain bones and laxity of the skin, a juvenile hairline on such a face is not only awkward but also may look artificial even if the hair are natural. We have mastered the art of making the hairline look completely natural and appropriate for the age. We do consider the wish of the patient to the extent of describing to them that whatever hairline we make although may not look very satisfying at the time of surgery is most suitable for the complete natural appearance of the patient and will look absolutely natural when the result materializes. Thick temples are our sole trait for we do consider this part as the most apparent part of the human face

The hairline that we draw does not follow any theory written or any trend established by other surgeons. We make it according to our own standard, and according to the baldness, we are supposed to   cover

[box_header title=”The Donor Area” bottom_border=”1″ animation=”0″]

The donor area is a small part at the back of head about five cm in width. It has got the hair that are permanent and not affected by the hormone DHT which can make the hair on the top of head fall.

The hair are arranged in goups. Normally a group contains two to five hair.This hair group is known as follicular unit.

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The whole procedure is done under local anesthesia where the patient is conscious all the time. There is no pain at all during the procedure. We recommend that you pre order any movies or songs of your choice or bring your own entertainment along.A strip of haired skin is taken surgically from the back of the head, starting above one ear to the other. This step needs patience, which we have abundance of, as the stroke of the surgeons hand can make a difference of about 500 grafts.We ensure that the trauma to the tissue and the hair is and hair root is kept to a minimum by carefully maneuvering our incision between the hairs rather than over them.

The width of the strip varies from 1 cm to 3.0 cm, so does the length The resulting defect is closed using the finest stitches which may be absorbable or need to be removed depending upon the patient’s preference. The stitches are applied in such a manner that the hair come out of the resulting scar. This is known as biwedgedtrychophatic closure.

It is ensured that the skin removed is not too much to cause discomfort later and not too less to reduce the number of grafts. This is the time when the patient has to lie face down for 45 minutes. It is a little uncomfortable for some patients but most of them sleep during this period. We have especially imported prone pillow for this part that makes patient comfortable during the procedure.

There is minimal bleeding during the procedure, nothing that we cannot handle. The strip is separated from the underlying tissue so that vessels and nerves are not damaged. Only one layer of the scalp is removed leaving the rest intact.

In our hands, there is no danger of damaging any nerves or vessels during the procedure. There is no chance of introduction of any infections as the procedure is done with disposable and sterilized equipment, and full aseptic methods are used.

The Strip thus removed is divided by a team of experts into small slices known as slivers.

High magnification is used during the procedure. This reduces the damage to the grafts. These slices are again transformed by expert hair technicians into grafts using maximum affective magnification to avoid shearing.

A graft may contain any number of hairs ranging from one to five, at an average; there are three hairs per graft

[box_header title=”The Recipient Site” type=”h4″ bottom_border=”1″ animation=”0″]

The front of the head is anesthetized using local anesthesia with patient comfortably lying straight.

Custom cut blades are used which are specifically designed by us according to the grafts of the patient and depending upon his need. The sizes of the blade for the hair line are usually constant that is 0.7 mm, but the size of the blade for the front varies from 1 mm to 0.8 mm. as we proceed towards the mid and the vertex the sizes are increased to accommodate thicker grafts.

The blades are specifically shaped to create longitudinal slits so that lodging of the graft into the slit is comfortable and permanentthese blades are specifically imported and are of highest quality of titanium tipped stainless steel. The use of these blades and cutting them at the spot for different patients is a specific trait of this company, which ensures the best possible surgery without undue trauma to the tissue

The distribution, concentration and the direction is maintained according to the need of the patient.

The maximum grafts are used for the front part in a U shape – zone one and two

mid if empty gets the next quota of the hair and the rest are planted in the crown.

The hairs are placed in such a manner that they make an acute angle with the scalp. The hairs are directed forward all over the head except the crown where they naturally are in the form of whorls.

The density is tapered down as we go to the back areas as most of the quota of the hair is allotted to the front, but in some individuals with a vertex only baldness a smaller part of the donor bank is harvested to cover the baldness and leave adequate donor to cover the front in future.After the surgery you can drive home feeling no pain at all. Most of the time without a dressing.

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In this method of donor harvesting instead of cutting the strip individual grafts are dug out using a specially designed punch mounted on a graded drill machine. The surgeon maneuvers the punch around a tuft of hair keeping in mind the invisible direction of hair in the skin, and bores into the skin cutting around the hair.

FUE Hair Transplant Lahpre

The punch revolving at a high speed cuts around the graft, and then the graft is picked out using especially designed forceps in a special manner to reduce trauma to the graft

A wider area can be used to harvest the donor and there is no resulting linear scar.

The procedure is ideal for people

Who have a poor donor area.

Whose skin is less mobile over the bone.

Who either keep their heads shaved or keep a very short trim.


FUE is a procedure of indication not choice

We use especially designed punches for the procedure and keep the damage to the graft to a minimum.

The punch holes heal in about 5 days.

The head needs to be shaved for extraction of hairs and the client goes home with a dressing for three days.

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